This is How Much I made in April 2020 – Earning Report

Last Updated on October 20, 2021

So keeping up with my tradition of posting my monthly earnings, here is my Earnings Report for April 2020. I find it to be a motivational factor both for me and you, the reader. When I look back and see my earnings, it helps me to keep track of my goals. And for you, it is a reminder of the potential of earning money online.

Scroll down to find the Signup Links and Earning Guides to the websites mentioned here.

Though I have not yet reached a level on par with what a desk job might get you, it is still a good alternative source of income. And when you factor in the hours I work on these sites, versus the hours you would work in your office, it is just a no-nonsense winner.

Usertesting was a life-saver in April, as I got to be a part of a testing panel, which paid 70$. Appen earnings decreased as no project was available till the last week of April. Clickworker was business as usual.

S.NoWebsiteAmount ($)
Total Amount395

So my total earnings for the month of April was 395$, which is pretty much what I made in my previous job. My goal for the upcoming months would be to find out more work on similar sites, as there were periods in April where no work would be available and I would just sit idle.

Maybe if I can utilize that time, I would be able to add more dough to my bank account. I also tried transcription work for some time, but ultimately gave up as it was taking up a lot of my time and energy. I will be writing about that experience soon. Meanwhile, stay tuned for more payment proofs from Usertesting and Clickworker as they just keep piling up.

Here are the links to an article detailing how to sign up on these websites:

Signing Up on Clickworker

Clickworker is a company that hires large amount of workforce to do tasks such as data collection, language checking, proofreading, etc. You name it.

They basically contract with companies, who need large amounts of the workforce for basic tasks. For example, with AI being all the buzzword these days, a lot of companies need a large amount of datasets to train their AI’s algorithm. So, they collect these datasets from these companies.

On the other hand, you, as a Clickworker provide this data and you get paid for it. This is just one type of project that Clickworker has, a lot of other tasks and projects.

Signing Up on Appen Connect

Basically, you will be providing data that will help these companies improve their products or work on some kind of research. These are projects from social networking and search giants. And the best part is that they pay you to work from anywhere.

Here are some of the things you could be doing working for them:

Signing up on Usertesting is an online “testers on-demand” kind of platform. They provide large corporations (mostly product-based companies) with 3rd party users to test their products, features, design, etc., and want them to provide valuable insights and suggestions in return.

The usual flow is something like this:

  1. Companies send out testing opportunities to
  2. Usertesting creates a screener/survey where you are asked several questions related to the study being conducted. You are expected to answer them honestly and truthfully.
  3. If you pass the qualification, then you are taken to their tests and need to record your computer/mobile screens and give your voice thoughts along the way.
  4. Once you have completed the study/test, the test is uploaded in the background and will be reviewed by them in the next few days.
  5. After some days of successful submission, you will be paid via Paypal

Check out my latest earning reports below:

  • Lazy Earnings Report #10 (with 80+ Payment Proofs!)

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  • Lazy Earnings Report #9 (Sites that paid me in the last 3 months)

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2 thoughts on “This is How Much I made in April 2020 – Earning Report”

    1. Other websites are not worth consideration if you are really trying to make an income online. I am actively trying to find more sites that can help people earn a considerable income by working online.

      So far Appen, Clickworker and Usertesting are the only 3 best paying websites in my list.

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